Friday, August 9, 2013

Simple Summer

There is something to be said about a simple summer. 
This was the summer of pinching pennies and cutting back.  This was the summer of answering the small talk question “where are ya’ll going on vacation this year?” with, “Um, we are just staying around the house this summer.  Not going anywhere really,”
while forcing the please-don’t-pitty-me smile.  I was prepared for bored kids and a few bouts of climb-the-wall-itis from me. 
But you know whats funny?  We got none of that.  This summer has been simply… relaxing.  And fun. 
Yes, we have had our share of “no one will play with mes” but for the most part, we have had a wonderful summer.  All of the things I would normally be stressed out about planning, or making sure we did; like camping, beach days etc… knowing we just could not do those things really took a lot off my shoulders.  It left a lot of room for lazy Saturday mornings with coffee and cartoons.  Teaching the boys to help clean the house.  Playing in the pool for hours.  Making our own ice cream.  Lessons on being grateful for what we have rather than focusing on what we don’t.  I think I get so caught up sometimes with planning family experiences, that I forget to experience our family!

We instead are planning some family fun for this month (since the August budget is favorable) and we have brought the kids into the planning and they are excited to be a part of it!  We are planning to go see a movie as a family, which we’ve never done, and to camp out in the backyard one of the nights of the meteor shower. 
I have truly enjoyed my simple summer this year.  Saying no sometimes means saying yes to so much more.  Because we aren’t running ragged, we have been able to have a few couples over for Saturday night suppers.  Its been fun to open our home.  We were not doing that in the past due to schedules, not enough time to clean the house, etc.  It has not been stressful for me as I learn to let go of so much.  Especially of what I imagine others are thinking of me.  Refreshing. 
Thank you God for our simple summer.  I pray the feeling and what we have learned so far extends through as school starts this fall!


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