Monday, July 30, 2012

A little "before and after" God crashers style!

Not too long ago, a very dear friend of mine lost her grandmother.  This woman was the leader of this little clan, the glue and the prayer warrior for not just her blood relatives, but for some unblood relatives as well.  I wanted very badly to do something for this family who was hurting.  Meals, cards and phone calls are all wonderful things.  But this family had a lot of people around them doing just that.

At the same time, I was asking God to help me matter in my life.  I knew my role as wife and mom mattered, but I'm away from my precious hubby and babies most of the day.  I want to matter more!  And I want to matter for God!

So one morning I was emailing my friend and asking how things were going.  She mentioned that she and her husband were trying to sell their townhouse so they could build a home on her grandfather's property and help out with his care.  What a wonderful and giving sacrifice! 

She went through some of the things they would have to do to get ready to sell.  Lots of decluttering, wrapping picture frames etc.  My dear friend has a couple of furry friends of the cat persuasion that I happen to be highly allergic to, so I knew I couldn't help on the inside of the house without a lengthy visit to an ER afterwards opening up my throat and lungs.  But God was whispering to me to find a way to help. 

She mentioned the backyard area that had been neglected for a while.  We all know after we have a baby, there is no time for yard work, even if we wanted to do it. 


Bells went off.  One thing me and J can do is some yard clearing!!!  God told me that they needed help with that yard to get it ready to sell and the rest of the family was very busy taking care of her grandfather.  God allowed me to see that if we helped my friend, the affect could trickle down to some of the others in the family and hopefully they would have one less thing to do or worry with this summer.  I almost had to convince my friend to let us.  Its so normal these days to say, oh no, you don't have to do that.  But she didn't!  And by saying yes, she allowed me to matter that day!  Answered prayer!

I called my parents to see if they wanted in on this Yard Crashers-God style!  They did! 

Here are some of the befores:

And the afters!

We had so much fun with this little impromptu ministry.  And do you know what God did?
  God worked everything out to make the yoke light.  The mulch was already in my Dad's trailer needing a home, my boys were already spending the night at VeVe's, the rain held off even though it was cloudy and cooler than it had been in weeks, we brought the right tools even though we haven't seen the yard beforehand!  My Mom and Dad have a wonderful history of turning yards into places you want to sit and enjoy.  My husband loves nothing more than to clear a space of clutter, trash and weeds.  The perfect workers for this project!

Sometimes we just have to go out on a limb, risk getting into peoples business and say,

"Yes Lord, Yes Lord, Yes Yes Lord!"

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Love when the boys rally!

Last night we had swim lessons.  I have been very proud of Braden this year and how much he has improved with his swimming!  Ty, on the other hand surprised me in the other direction.  My little fearless silly heart has cried every single lesson.  Last week was the worst!  I had been getting in the pool with them and playing with whomever was waiting his turn for his lesson.  Our swim teacher suggested me staying out in the lobby this time and see if it helped Ty.  When B was this age, me being in the lobby was the worst thing I could have done.  He settled so much better when I was in the pool area watching.  He has some trust issues with people he doesn't know well.  So I didn't know what to expect doing this with Ty.

As a Mom I have learned its way better to prepare for potentially difficult situations.  A snack and some water could make the difference between a whiny child and a happy child.  So prepare this time, I did.  I left work early, picked up the kids from school and realized both were exhausted from school and the attitudes?  Whew!  I was NOT looking forward to the swim lesson drama.

I had about 15 extra minutes, so we dropped by the house and dumped all of our bags and paraphernalia from the school and work day (which immediately put me in a better mood!).  I got them changed into swimsuits and grabbed nabs ("orange crackers, mommy") and water bottles and out the door we went.  B helped me talk up the lesson with Ty, how well he was going to do, no fussing and if everyone was good at the lessons, Happy Meals for all!  (Yes, I'm not above bribery at sometimes) 

We got there and BOTH boys rallied and overcame the attitudes!  I was so so proud of them!  B and I found our spot in the lobby to camp out where we could see Ty but he couldn't see a lot of us.  B settled down with my iPhone to look at Mario Bros stuff on Etsy and had his snack.  I walked Ty into the pool area and he marched right up to our teacher and said,

"I not gonna fuss this time.  Only ONE swim lesson.  Acause we gonna go to McDonalds."

So funny!  He went to the teacher and I left and was able to watch my boy, who cried the entire lesson last week, and cried in the car driving from school, as he laughed and played with her and then jumped off the side of the pool and WENT ALL THE WAY UNDER THE WATER! 

I am just so proud of him.  It was like a different kid at this lesson.

B got in there when it was his turn and tore it up!  Was going under, swimming freestyle... so proud of him!

During B's lesson, I got Ty changed into some warm clothes (water is freezing in there) and he settled down in a chair and ate his snack and played his Leapster.  He looked so cute sitting over there, I had to snap a picture.

After the lesson, as promised, we headed to McDs.  The boys were asking me if we could go in and since B had his swim trunks on I said no.  The request from Ty to go in by himself since he didn't have his trunks on was also denied.  Then they asked if we could eat in the car?  What a weird request.  So we pulled into our driveway, turned the music up and ate and danced!

When J pulled up in the truck from work, he probably thought we were nuts.  Or locked out of the house.  Wished I could say that never happens.  Ha!

Monday, July 23, 2012


I really really wanted a light cutesy post for this Monday morning.  I wanted some fun pictures of the boys and a great adventure story.  Just not feeling it today.  I have a lot of friends and people in my life with some pretty hefty burdens. 

"Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2

We can listen and we can hurt for people and get a little tiny taste of how God hurts for his people.  But when is the load too heavy for us to bear?  I thank Jesus that he knows we are humans and can only carry but so much.  I am naturally a fixer.  I hear of someones troubles and I want to give advice, help them in some way to conquer the problem, be their savior.  Or as my hubby says, "I want the slow clap."  But then carrying the burden becomes about me and how I can gain glory through their victory.  That sort of defeats the whole thinking-of-others thing.

I tend to heap on these burdens and worries until I can hardly take a deep breath.  Its a good way for me to begin breaking down and then I'm no use to anyone.  I get home from work, and I have no emotional support left for J and my little ones.  That's no good.  So where is the line?

"Let your gentleness be evident to all.  The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 4:4-7

The Lord is near.  Not, Paige is near.  Instead of me trying to jump in and save, I need to be gentle with my friends, listen and remind them of the Lord's presence.  And for me?  I need to present my requests to God, pray over these friends in trouble.  But these anxieties, these burdens I'm carrying, need to be cast on to the one who can carry them without getting weary.  And then both the prayer warrior, and the ones who need prayer, will receive the peace of God, which no one on earth will understand (including ourselves!).

And keeping the focus on God and the power he actually has, keeps me open to hearing when God does give me a task to do to help.  And I can dive in knowing he has given me divine direction and the glory will be his and not mine. 

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.  Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."  Philippians 4:8-9

Again, there is that peace.  We are to carry these burdens, pray over them and give them to God, and then focus on the positive.  This is what brings peace while still helping our friends.  Turning other's problems over and over in my mind and focusing on the negative will only cause stress and sleepless nights.  I need to let God be the fixer.

"Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior.  My hope is in you all day long." Psalm 25

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Big Brother and Little Brother

What a wonderful couple of days for B as Big Brother.  Last night we had finished supper and the boys wanted a bag of those chocolate graham bunnies from Target.  They got to the cabinet and pulled out the box and only one bag was left.  I asked Ty if he wanted fruit snacks instead, since B had asked about the bunnies first and I was trying to be "fair Mommy" for a moment.  Then I heard, from the family room where I sat, my oldest tell my youngest, "you can have them."

I felt so uplifted and encouraged!  We have this Family Rules canvas front and center in our family room. 

I refer to it often when there are battles going on.  One of the rules is "Think of others before yourself."  He nailed it!  I went in and told him how happy that made me and he may even have gotten some M&Ms out of Mom's stash in the upper cabinet.  I told him that decision he made would make me happy all night.  He just smiled that adorable toothless grin of his that melts my heart.

This morning J left early to play some bball before work so it was just me and the boys in the house.  After I finished my shower, I normally go through and turn on the boy's lights and starting getting them up.  It was still early so I went on back in my room to get dressed.  It was like deer in headlights!  My oldest and my youngest were on my bed and B was helping Ty get dressed!  It was the cutest thing ever.  I didn't interfere at all.  I went about my business and watched them.  It was just such an awesome display of big brotherness, protectiveness and one of those rare times where Ty was listening to every instruction from B and following them gladly.  They were adorable and it just warmed my heart.  B finished dressing him, took him in the bathroom and helped him brush his teeth and they went on downstairs together to eat some cereal and watch Ninjagos.  What a great start to my day.  More moments to treasure up and ponder in my heart. Luke 2:19

I can get a glimpse of how delighted God must be when we love one another and live in harmony and help each other as commanded!

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35

At one point in my life, I really struggled with not having a little girl.  I wondered what it would be like and allowed my heart to dwell on the "have not" and become troubled.  The thought is nice, to have a girl to grow up and be friends with when she is an adult.  Just like me and my mom. 

But God gives me these moments as I watch my boys and see a bond that could never happen between a brother and a sister.  Sure, they could still be friends and the older brother could still be a protector.  But there is just something about two brothers.  A connection that lasts even through knock down drag out fights.  There is something about being able to shove each other during a disagreement, to adamantly shout about who's Leapster one is playing with, but then coming right back together to fight a common enemy, or anyone that threatens one of them.  Or the vacuum when J chases them with it.

"O Lord, I rejoice in your strength.  How great is my joy in the victories you give to me!  You have granted me the desire of my heart."  Psalm 21

Its amazing to me how many times I think I know what I want.  Then I pray to God to show me what His plan looks like and its way better than what I could have planned.  I love how he changes my heart to want what he wants.  That right there is my proof his spirit lives in me.

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

We have to be careful what we allow ourselves to dwell on in our hearts. 

"As he thinks in his heart, so is he."  Proverbs 23:7

God's plan is ultimately better than anything we could imagine ourselves and if we stay in his will, we won't have to settle for better in our lives.  We will have BEST.

Like two little boys who bring me more joy than I could have ever imagined in my life.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Tomato Festival and more Lego time

Saturday we decided to attend yet another small town annual event that we haven't been to.  Our county is famous for its local tomatoes.  So much so that they have a festival every year to honor said tomato.  We had to check it out.

The festival was pretty cool sporting enormous farming equipment, a few rides and tons of vendors.  B even got to try a martial arts lesson for free and liked it so much, we signed him up for a couple of lessons in August. 

Mini Ferris wheel that BOTH boys got on.  Yay, B!

My Dad says this is a corn picker.  Eeeks, look at that sky.

B sitting in the wheel of the corn picker.

Ty wasn't feeling very well and stayed in the stroller most of the time.  Except when there was a race car involved, of course.

It was free to get in and a fun morning activity for me and my guys.  We left just in time since the storms came rolling in as we rolled out.

We hung out the rest of the afternoon in the house playing Legos and letting Ty nap his little fever away.  B made a Lego man head complete with hair.  He impresses me so much with his Lego skills!

We got some pool time in this weekend too and B is just tearing it up!  He stays underwater now more than he stays on top.  And its really fun now because I can throw him and not worry about him going under.  So I REALLY throw him!  Good for the ole arm muscles too!

I love me some lazy weekends without a lot of plans. 

This is what Ty was doing last night before bed.  He is such a nut.

Its Monday and I'm already looking forward to date night on Friday with my man!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday Randomness

Hello, Mr. Shark.  Why are you still sitting out on my kitchen counter?  Why do you smell like mothballs when we open your jar?  How long will I be forced to look at your black watery eye as I try to cook supper?  You remind me of that Dr. Seuss book, Fish Out of Water.  Although I am very glad you are not real and we don't have to flush you when you float to the top.

I pray I don't mistake you for my spaghetti sauce.

Dear new planner,
I am very happy to have found you among all of the planners in Target.  You may not be the cutest, but you have college-ruled lines on all the individual days so I know we will be instant friends.  I also very much like your laminated month tabs.  That's fancy.


Dear Ty,
next time please listen to Mommy when I tell you its a tomato and not an apple.  I would have liked to eat my very first home grown tomato on a salad with feta and strawberries.  Instead it sits on my counter with Mr. Shark bitten into and squishy.


No, Ty, I do not wish to play with your Lego man at the moment.  But I do love the faces you make while trying to convince me otherwise.

Ok, that face I can't resist, lets play!

Happy Random Friday!

More little guy talk

B is telling Ty that he will never be cool like Dad.  "You can't just get a bunch of tattoos and wear short sleeves.  Thats not cool, its just weird."

Ty talking about the sunset one night, "Mommy, its so pretty-ful!"

Ty naming the Winnie the Pooh Characters, "Winnie the Pooh, Pwigwet, Rabbit, Rabbit's fwends, Kanga, Roo, Eyorie, Owal, Tigaaa and Cwisofa Wabiiiiiin!"

Ty walking out the door to go to school, "See you later, Stinky Pants!"

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

First Harvest!

We finally got to pick some veggies from our first garden!  It was so funny, I had been checking on this one tomato that was slowly turning from green to orange and is sort of red right not, but needs another couple of days.  I was so worried about this tomato that I completely missed the cucumbers that were jut hanging out ready to be picked! 

I actually thought the vine was for the honeydew melon!  Doh!

So to my amazement, we had three good sized cukes ready to roll!  I called B outside and he helped gather our very first harvest!

We cut them up and had a taste test of dipping sauces.  It was fun.  And the cukes were good!  We have a few more growing that I saw and also about 5 tomatoes.  I can't wait!  Next year I'm going to plant squash and peppers too.  I can't wait to be able to use some fresh, dare I say organic, veggies in my cooking without paying and arm and a leg for them! 

Amazing what God can grow, even with inexperienced gardeners.  My garden does not resemble the very neat rows of other gardens I see.  There are no clear labeled markers to tell what the plant is (hence the honeydew fake out).  I have to lift and move the crazy vines to see if anything fruitful is in there.  But God is not deterred from my crazy messy garden.  He sees that there is healthy growth there even if everything is heaped on top of each other.  As much as I would love it if it were, my garden is not at all linear and does not grow in an organized fashion.  But God can see through the layers of green, still put His hand on it and do His work.

And my crazy messy life, with its layers of new growth sprouting all over each other in no particular order, under His guidance and direction, can still produce beautiful fruit.  But if I get obsessed and focused on just one area, waiting and waiting for answers, I could completely miss the incredible victory in a different part of my life.

"I am the vine; you are the branches.  If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.  Now remain in my love.  If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.  I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete."   John 15:5, 9-11

Never once did Jesus say to look at someone else's garden and try to do that.  Never once did He say He would give you victory in the area you choose to focus on according to your schedule.  He sees the big picture.  He promises if I put him first; in my life, in my day, 

"you have made my lot secure.  Surely I have a delightful inheritance.  Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.  Therefore my heart is glad."  Psalm 16
My friend Joni always tells me to "mind my own store."  Not to compare or try to fix everyone else, but to just do what I need to do.  I guess God would say to "tend my own garden."

Thank you Jesus, for my gardening lesson today!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Pigeons & Planners

I am NOT a bird person.

And there is a colony (flock?) of pigeons who have taken residence in my parking deck at work.  I can't say I blame them.  Its a good 15 degrees cooler in the bottom level than outside in the 90 + degree heat. 

But they are so creepy!

Maybe one pigeon making that "woootle" sound isn't so awful, but try 10 or 20!  And the echo!  And the poop!  The the swooping from perch to floor with no warning!

So basically, I run from the steps to the my car yelling, "Please don't poop on me!  Please don't flap around my face!"

I hate them.  I'm currently negotiating with the Bald Eagles that nest in the nearby cell tower to please come eat them.  Or drive them away.  Do eagles even eat pigeons?  Who knows!  I don't think they can hear me, even when I'm at the top level of the parking deck yelling over to them. 

See him waiting for me to walk under that ledge.  So sneaky...

Pigeons, please find another home.  You completely freak me out.


Dear Target,

Please restock the Mead 5 1/2 X 8 inch spiral bound planners with the lines pages.  I have been using the same style planner for years now and it stays with me everywhere I go.  I am now in search for the 2012-2013 version and all you have is a similar product with no lines

The daily entry is a big blank space! 

Do you have any idea what that does to a Type A, semi-OCD, recovering multi-tasker???  I look at the blank space and think about my day as just that, a big blank space and I am rendered useless!  I must have college-ruled lines to plan out my days and weeks. 

And please bring back the plastic pouch in the back for my random prescriptions, pictures, appointments that are too far away to be written on those beautifully college-ruled lines.

I am on the lookout for a new planner.  It must fit in my purse.  It must have lined pages.  It must go July-August and I have run out of June to find it.  I'd prefer it to also be cute, but that is slowly becoming a pipe dream since I can't even find one that meets the other very important standards.

My planner.

Trying not to panic.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Saturday and 103 degrees

Heat advisory means pool time in the morning and inside activities in the hot stuffy afternoon.  We've been keeping the curtains drawn to keep it cool in our little house of windows.  It feels a little like a cave, but it does keep it cooler. 

We had fun playing in the pool this morning.  J got in with us and we did whirlpools so well that we couldn't stand up against them.  I'm so proud of the boys and how well they are doing in the water!  Last summer, we still had to coax B in the pool at times but this Saturday morning he was jumping in from the top rung on the ladder and going all the way under!  The water level was a little low so Ty could stand up too.  He didn't even want his float.  I asked him what he would do if we lost his footing and went under and he said, "just get back up, Mommy."

We came in and got cleaned up for lunch and headed over to the fabric store to get some supplies for a headboard project.   And J bought me a staple gun at Home Depot.  I've been wanting one for a while and am so excited!  Headboard pics to come later.

It was so hot!  We had to get a little creative in the afternoon.  B built a game out of a Legos board and taught us the rules.  Pretty cool idea!   We had some good laughs especially when Tyzilla made up his own rules and broke pieces off of the board.  Oh, Tyzilla.

My Lego guy was stressed out because the rules kept changing.

Be cool, Lego guy!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Birthday, America! Love, Ashland

We have lived in our little town for more than 10 years and have never attended the Fourth of July Parade.  Shame on us!  We decided this year we would be apart of things.  We packed a picnic lunch and headed down.  The crowd was small and friendly and full of families.  Right up my alley!  The parade was cute and short and the boys liked it a lot.

I wished I'd gotten a picture of the lawn chair brigade.  They were my favorite.  They did a little choreography with their lawn chairs in the street.  Very fun.

We followed everyone over to the Cultural Arts Center and picked out a shady spot under some trees to spread our blanket out for lunch.  We enjoyed a local band playing some patriotic tunes and lots of people watching over PB&Js, fruit and pretzels. 

We chatted with some friends from church and then found the snow cone line.  Rainbow snow cones for all!  Of course Tyler said he didn't want rainbow, he wanted "ALL the colors, Mommy."

There were dogs dressed in red, white and blue, food vendor stands and lots of trees to find shade in the 90+ heat.

We stayed for about 2 hours and then headed home for naps and quiet time before heading up to Montpelier to my Aunt's Judy's house for supper.  The boys and I made star cookies with red, white and blue icing for our dessert.  I learned this time to use masking tape on the wax paper sheet on the counter so the flour and cookie dough stay put while little hands mush it.

Ty learned a few new fun words for his ever growing vocab.  "Pedarade" (parade) and "lennenade" (lemonade).

And Mommy learned that we shouldn't use pine cones for the bases in kickball if little boys are going to slide into home.  Ouch!  I didn't know pine cones could tear a little leg like that!

We had a fun day with very little prep required.  Also right up my (new) alley!