Saturday, November 29, 2014


Giggling, laughter, little boy sounds
All day Wii playing, movies in my bed
Soft blankets, furry lazy love surrounding my lap
Reading a whole book, while football is played in the living room
Red upper lips, lotion tissues, bed hair
Leftover sweet potatoes, chicken soup
Orange and cloves on the stove, twinkling Christmas lights
Mama Stone's little village, on snow
Chilly sunny days, making home cozy
Cracked walls, noisy floors, snuggling in blankets
Unfinished rooms, full of belonging
Fleece PJ pants, warm socks from the dryer
Cereal, coffee, pepperonis and popcorn
Small couch, one room downstairs
Imperfect decorations and imperfect people
Loving each other the best we know how
Sometimes the loud is not jokes and laughter
Grace given because grace was given
Fighting to keep His gift in the front
Listing the blessings and forgetting expectations
Turning off comparisons and pushing away disappointment
Breathing in moments, forgiving quickly
Not rushing, not striving, but living right now.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Not the "fun mom"

Social media is a slippery slope for me.  I don't know why.  Lots and lots of people use Facebook and Instagram and are just as healthy and normal as can be.  But not me.  And its a little tough for me to not participate.  I'm sure I'm missing out on pictures of my niece and nephews, daily news on family members and friends, keeping up with bootcamp friends, local events and news.  So what's my problem?  Why can't I just sign up like normal people and leverage it for the good of my relationships?

Ugh.  I have some very ugly tendencies.  I don't like to share them.  And I definitely have to ask God daily to give me the strength to fight them.  I have a tendency to compare myself to others.  And get competitive.  I have a tendency to edit myself around others so they only see the me I want them to see.  Chew on that one for a minute.  As much as my heart wants to be real, to be authentic, social media tempts me to create the persona I wish I was and only post that.  Who do I want others to believe I am?  While listening to a podcast on this very topic this morning, I remembered who that person was.  It was "Fun Mom."  I want to be the fun mom.  And I want others to see me as the fun mom.  So a few years ago I was very involved in keeping up that fun mom character on Facebook, Instagram and even my little family blog that I go back and forth between wanting to write and not wanting anyone to read.

Fun Mom builds forts in the living room and the kids love it and play in all day, not asking to watch TV or play video games.  Fun Mom makes a game out of cleaning it all up and the kids are laughing and smiling while they help fold sheets and put away pillows.  Fun Mom involves her kids in cooking and makes sure there is something yummy baking in the oven on the weekends.  Fun Mom finds cool adventures to go on that the whole family loves and everyone has a great time and makes wonderful memories.  Fun Mom spends a ton of time talking and laughing with her husband and makes time for creative date nights.  Fun Mom has craft time with her kids and daily devotions.  Fun Mom makes use of teachable moments.  Fun Mom snuggles with her sick kids when a fever keeps them home.

Who is this chick?  I think she makes a great blog post.  She has cool and meaningful quips on Facebook and always takes great selfies for Instagram.  The problem comes when my name is associated anywhere close to this Fun Mom.  I AM NOT HER.  And trying to portray her is flat out exhausting and completely fake.  And I don't want to be fake.  Ever.  Jesus created me to be authentic and that's what I want more than posting pictures of cupcakes and blanket forts with strung Christmas lights.

So what's real?  Real is the fact that the few times I've build a fort with the kids, there is probably one or two times they actually wanted to play in it.  The other times they thought it was cool for about 5 minutes and then wanted to watch TV or play video games.  Real is the bazillion adventures I have planned that turned out awful due to the donut shop being closed, the hike being way longer than expected and having to carry the kids most of the way while they complained and our blood pressure rose to dangerous levels, leaving the carefully packed healthy picnic lunch on the kitchen counter and having to stop at a gas station and spend a fourth of my grocery budget on Nabs and chips.  Real is struggling with where I am in life and feeling like I'm in the wrong place 90% of the time, but also trusting that where my physical body sits each hour of the day has nothing to do with where my heart is pointing, and that's to Jesus and learning how to be a disciple of his.  Real is not wanting to deal with teachable moments; that an early bedtime seems less tiring.  Real is not being able to afford a night out since between the dogs and kids, the medical bills have reached over $400 this month and insurance is going to drop us come December.  Real is behavior problems to deal with, dirty germ-filled laundry, getting bruised and battered from trying to change sheets on bunk-beds, spraying Lysol all over the house and dealing with strep throat, strep NOSE, and blood all over the carpet from the dog loosing his nail.  That's a real sick day.  The only snuggling that day was when I dropped the freshly dried clothing on the floor and fell on top of it.  It felt wonderful.

But real is also thanking God that we only have what hubs calls "First World" problems.  No one in my house is starving, everyone has shelter and clothing.  I really do love my life.  In the midst of medical bills, strep and laundry, I have a hubs who is truly my partner and best friend and we can find something to laugh about or some podcast to get fired up with.  My kids have great personalities and the four of us love each other.  God has blessed me with so much and I strive to be thankful for it every day, even with blood all over the carpet.  Some days I don't have a very thankful heart.  And I need to ask for forgiveness and count my blessings.  God can handle it.  He knows me.  He created me.  He knows my heart is for him and longs for his presence.

So me and social media ain't friends right now.  I don't want to pretend and allow others to believe Fun Mom is me.  I want the people in my life to know me.  Authentic, real, imperfect, impatient me who wonders why on earth God trusted me with these little boys whom I have no idea how to raise into Godly men. 

I'm so thankful for Jesus who truly sees me.  I can just lay it all out there, ugly and all and he still loves me and wants to hang out with me.  Whew.  Other people will either like me or not, but Jesus is the only one who voluntarily died for me.  My loyalty and love will stick with him.  And I'm really thankful that he will fill in all the gaps I leave gaping open with my hubs and kids.  Cause this is real life.  I can't just scroll through the posts I don't like.  I can't delete an unflattering picture or comment.  Once its out there, I have to own it and ask for forgiveness and mercy.

So yes, I'm sure I miss out on a lot by not being a part of Facebook and Instagram.  But I'm obviously not mature enough to handle it all.  My world may be small, but I want so badly for it to be authentic.  For the few people I do life with to truly know me.  Not the me I'd rather people see. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Day of School!

When Braden went to Kindergarten, I worried as to whether or not he was ready.  This morning as my Tyler got on the bus, I wondered if Kindergarten was ready for HIM!

Both boys started a new school this year.  Braden as a third grader.  Tyler will start Kindergarten at Braden's previous school.

Its amazing how God works.  When B was getting ready to go into Kindergarten, I was a wreck.  I was allowing guilt and feelings of being judged by others to make me crazy worried about his schooling.  Believing that there was only one "right" way to raise and educate my children as a Christian mom, I mourned because I was not financially able to put him in Christian private school, or homeschool him.  The next best thing, or so I thought, was to choose the elementary school out of our district, that was closer to church so hopefully he would be in class with other children from his Sunday school class.  I wrote a letter, badgered the principal ,and made my own plans without consulting God.

But God loves me too much to allow me everything I think I want.  Oh, how he has worked on my heart!  And how he has taught me to shrug off judgment and guilt!  To see that HIS way is the best way.  That he no more wants me to homeschool than to send my kids to public school.  There is no one way to raise and educate my children.  As a believer and follower of Jesus, I am to do everything I do to the glory of the one who made me. 
At the last moment, he told me to bloom where he planted us.  He put us in THIS house.  In THIS neighborhood.  In THIS school district.  I had a good plan.  But he knew the BEST plan.
Update?  Most of the kids from our church who went to that other school have been pulled out and put in private schools.  The kids in B's Sunday school class all go to other schools.  After listening to God and putting the boys in a neighborhood preschool and summer program this last year, they met a ton of kids who ARE in their classes this year.  Tyler is even sitting by a classmate from his preschool in Kindergarten today.  God knew that would make today so much easier for him.

Braden's teacher for third grade taught school with his grandma, my mama, for years.  She is an excellent teacher, both fun and strict.  He is going to have a great year.  God knew.

I am such a different person than I was four years ago when Braden started school (Hallelujah!).  Trusting Jesus changed me.  All the challenges over the last four years have taught me that I am not in control.  And I am so glad.  There is such freedom and joy in handing over the reigns to Jesus.  He cares about all the little things and all the big things in my life.  I'm so thankful to follow him on the path he made just for me.
"The Lord watches over all who love him."  Psalm 145:20
Thank you Father, for putting my family together on purpose.  I know you love my boys even more than me.  I release them into your hands, O Lord.  Help them become the warriors you want them to be.  Help them be a light today for you.  Give them a thirst for truth.  A desire for you.  I pray I will not take their successes or failures personally, but help them see that they are part of life.  A grade is just a letter.  May my boys try their best and be kind to others.  Make them defenders of the weak.  I pray they will get caught when they mess up.  Give them wisdom to stop and think before they act.  Above all, Father, help them never to forget that they were created by you to honor you.  Amen.
"They tell of the power of your awesome works."  Psalm 145:6

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Things to Remember this Summer

This summer has blown by!  My boys are ready for school to start.  We have a Kindergarten popsicle social tonight and orientation for both Kindergarten and Third grade next Thursday.  I am excited for them and deciding to focus on that excitement rather than other feelings that come with your baby starting real school.  Honestly, I think it will all be an adventure.  For all of us.

I want to remember some things about this summer.  The summer J and I grew into "hippie Jesus followers."  The summer Ty practiced his reading and learned to ride his bike with training wheels... very quickly.  Amazing how the second child jumps on and just goes so he can keep up with big brother.  The summer B attended a very physically demanding basketball camp and conquered it. 
The summer B started football practice and got to meet RGIII at the Redskins training camp. 
The summer both boys participated in a musical where Ty was a pig and B had a solo and speaking part.  They did awesome!  The summer of Bovinophobia.  The beach trip and B learning to ride waves.  Cousins getting to know each other. 

Ty choosing to go all the way under the water by himself.  Ty turning 5 and his first ring pop. 

Ty finishing up soccer and gaining some confidence in his sports ability. 
The first summer of financial peace.  The summer camping trip. 

 The lake hiking trail not being a challenge for the boys this year.  The summer the pool overflowed during a torrential downpour and flooded the backyard. 
Probably the last summer of true wake up face, 6am stomping down the hall and sleepy hugs before turning on Sophia.  The last summer of tight fitting PJ pants.

The summer I caught the boys reading the Action Comic Book Bible in their rooms together, discussing who was going to fight whom when the angels attack Satan and the demons in Revelation.  The girl angels should fight the demons, by the way and B and Ty are taking on the dragon. 
I'm so thankful for my little warriors.  I want them to remember, where ever they go and whatever they do, that they were created to honor God.
And no matter what, they will always have a best friend.  Because they have their brother.


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Preschool Graduation & a Birthday!

Tyler graduated from preschool the same month he turned five years old!  I just can't believe my baby will be going to Kindergarten this fall!

We really liked the preschool he attended this year.  They had a cute ceremony and recognized the students individually. 

With Veve.

With Grandma.

When asked what he wanted to be when he grew up, he answered, "a Leaf Man!"  He got a lot of laughs since most people would assume he was going to pick up leaves for a living.  But if you've ever seen the movie, Epic...

Leaf Men are fierce warriors of the forest who are deadly with a bow and arrow.  Of course he is going to be a Leaf Man.  Which is why he got a bow and arrows for his birthday.  Of course, they were Nerf.
He is such a cutie.  We had some family and friends over and had hotdogs and cake out in the backyard.  The weather was beautiful, even if the pool was green.  Eew.  No swimming kids, sorry.  A lot of rain and not enough chemicals makes a cloudy icky pool.
Ty changed his mind no less than ten times as to what kind of party he wanted.  He had finally settled on Power Rangers (a show he has never watched), so naturally after I put up some Power Ranger ceiling decorations he asked, "what are those, mommy?"  And after getting Justin to draw the Power Ranger lightening bolt on the cake and painstakingly filling it in with sprinkles, he shouts excitedly, "Awesome!  Its FLASH!"
Of course, its Flash, honey.
We had a really fun time.  The adults sat under the canopy and the kids just ran around and played.  I stopped planning activities for the kids at parties a couple of years ago.  All they want to do is run around with the new presents and play.  A good time!
Happy Birthday, to my funny little guy!  You keep us laughing with your crazy cowlicks that refuse to be tamed, your tough talk about Satan and how you're going to "punch him to pieces," your love of movies and all types of weaponry, your mischievous smile, big blue eyes and quick laugh.  Your "one more hug"s, always wanting to be home, graham cracker eating, Chick Fil-A cow fearing, tickle monster self.  I love you so very much!

He may be five years old, but he can still fold up into Daddy's lap and pass out.

Crazy cowlicks.

First season of soccer this spring.  He was always on the ball.  And always aggressive.  That's my Ty!

Those little legs and too-long shorts kill me!

I love this boy!