Tuesday, September 25, 2012

B's amazing mind

I'm really starting to get a sense of how this little dude thinks.  It is amazing to me, because he comes at life so very differently than I do.  Ty and I are kind of the same.  We want our hands (or feet) in as many different buckets at the same time as we can (much to our detriment at times).  But my B?  He is so focused on things he finds truly interesting.

Here's an example.  We participated in a program at church to feed and house a homeless group.  I took B with me to prep lunch and dinner one of the nights.  I put him in charge of making sure there was one sandwich per paper bag, one mustard packet, one napkin and so forth.  He's great at that kind of thing. 

On the way home, I started a conversation telling B if we hadn't come and taken our time to fix these lunches, this group of people may not have anything to eat tomorrow for lunch.  I was focusing on the emotion of helping people and how good that is.  And my B?

B, "Yeah, but Mom, did you know it took eleven steps to get the sandwiches made and into the bags?  Let me tell you what they were.  First, we laid out all the bread, second we put on a piece of turkey or ham, third..." and he goes on to describe in detail each of the eleven steps.

His little mind doesn't necessarily recognize easily the empathy part of this process.  The human need and the action to meet it.  His little mind automatically and enthusiastically figures out all the steps it takes to do a process.  Amazing to me!  I would never have given that part another thought, but here he is very excited about it.

I hope to learn how to encourage his little building, engineering, process oriented brain, while also teaching him how to cue in to the empathetic aspect of life as well. 

Its going to be tough for this emotional, passionate, jump in with both feet kind of mom!  I don't even read instructions!

I'm so thankful God made all of us so differently.  Life would be boring, people would be ignored, and/or tasks would never get done!

Hopefully understanding this will make me a little more patient when he has stopped getting dressed for school to watch what direction his electric toothbrush is spinning and how many times it goes around in a minute, as he stands there, the clock ticking for the bus to come, with no shirt and only one sock.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Joseph and the techicolor Ninjago dream

I love hearing how B is applying his Bible knowledge to everyday life. 

We were in the car going home last night when B asked,

"Mom, who was the guy in the Bible that told the King what his dreams meant?" 

Me, thinking we were about to embark on a great Biblical discussion about how God works in people's lives, "I think that was Joseph, buddy."

B, "Well, too bad Joseph wasn't around when the Ninja had their dream on Ninjagos.  Then they would already know who the Green Ninja is!"

So true.  It would have saved the Ninja a lot of heartache if Joseph had been around to tell them who the Green Ninja was.

It looks like we will have a very Ninja Halloween this year, so watch out!  Hiyaaaa!!!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Puss in boots; Ty in buckets; and a little restoration, please

We recently watched the movie, Puss in Boots.  I'm not sure if this was the inspiration for this one or not.

He walked all over the house like that and wanted to go to church in his buckets.  Um, the answer is no.  He did figure out the buckets didn't grip well on the kitchen floor.  Ouch.

B is enjoying his new hoodie that he picked out himself.  The kid will not wear a winter coat, no matter how cold it is, so we compromise with a fur lined hoodie.  That he is wearing in September even though its still 80 degrees out in the afternoon.  He figured out he had a monster head on his shirt so he could do this. 

Very creative.

A peaceful moment between my boys. 

Little one has sleepy face, older one is trying to get to the next level on the iPhone.  They are almost snuggle partners.  But the camera did not capture the subsequent "Hiyaaaaaa!!!!" and someone rolling off the couch into the coffee table.  (sigh)

So my prayers lately have been a little brief.  They basically go like this,

Lord...?  Create.  Renew.  Restore.  Sustain.  Please.  Amen.

I'm going through a season where I feel a lot of people need a lot from me.  Feeling like I'm running on empty without time to refill.  God showed me two verses to focus on during these times.

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me.  Psalm 51:12

I'm finding if I am willing to do the work God has called me to do at this time in my life; work, family, home etc., and call upon him to help me, he will give me what I need to be steadfast.  I'm so thankful I can trust him to walk with me.  We were never meant to do all this alone. 

And we have to keep the crazies out!  The crazies are any thought that is not from God that I am tempted to park my mind on that will cause the bad stuff (depression, loneliness, anxiety, guilt).  I was made for more than that.  I was made for victory!  I have to consciously take those thoughts captive and ask God for the power to boot them out.  Then decide to park my mind elsewhere.  This is war some days!

Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion.  Psalm 51:1

Pity parties are such a distraction!  Time to park my mind elsewhere.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

B-isms and Ty-isms

While watching 9/11 coverage on the Ground Zero Memorial garden,
B, "Mom, whats that pool, is that like a swimming pool?"
Me, "No, baby, thats a reflecting pool.  Kind of a place to sit and think like in Washington DC."
B, "Oh, you mean like Winnie the Pooh's thinking spot log?"
Me, "Exactly.  Do you have a thinking spot where you sit and do a lot of thinking?"
B, "Nah, not really.  I pretty much think all over the place."

After walking outside one of the nights it started getting dark earlier.
Ty, "Oooo, its scary, Mom!"
Me, "Its not scary, just dark."
Ty whispers, "I think its scary.  Mom, why did God turn out the lights?"

After teaching Ty to take off his own clothes in his bedroom before bath, he has started a new ritual of stuffing the dirty clothes under the bed, under his rocking chair, or under the dresser.  Then he comes in and tells me, "I bet you can't find my clothes!"

After allowing B to start picking out his own clothes for school in the mornings.
Me, "B, I don't think that really matches.  Do you want help finding some shorts that match that shirt?"
B, "Why does everything have to match all the time?"
Me, "Thats a really good question.  I don't have an answer to that.  I said you could pick out your own clothes, so you keep doing a good job with it.  I don't think everything has to match all the time."

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Cute haircuts and nasty sinus infections

Sorry for the late post this week!  I felt like I was getting a cold at the end of last week but on Sunday I was blasted with a full on sinus infection that triggered one of the worst migraines I've ever had.  Ugh.  One of the lie on the floor in the darkest room of the house with a blanket over your head headaches.

This was my view for most of Sunday and Monday. 

Yes that is my Tubby in my lap at all times when I'm sick.  I didn't move.  Thank God for my hubby who jumps in to take over dinner, bathtime and bedtime for the kiddos.

Saturday before I was slapped with sickness, I took the boys to go get haircuts. 

We tried a different place this time because I wasn't feeling great and didn't feel like taking the drive all the way to the other side of town for the normal place.  My boys are boy's boys.  So I took them to Sport Clips.  All sports on big TVs, lots of guy-type decor (although I don't think they call it decor) and lockers and stadium seats to wait in.  Because there was no one in there, my boys got lots of attention and just loved it there.  Yay!  New place closer to home!  They both got cute haircuts too. 

They were so good they got a trip to Five Below.  We got Daddy some surprise Nerds.  Ty wanted to get him the same toy car he got, but Nerds won.

We hung out at home Saturday for the most part and after cleaning the house we were lazy.  I wasn't feeling so good so we found games to play like "Crash" which is lining up the matchbox cars on the coffee table and taking turns trying to knock as many over as possible with your one, favorite matchbox car.  Actually was pretty fun.

The boys got a Nerf guns out at some point and that was entertaining, but the migraine made it fuzzy as to what day that was. 

We are in full swing of all our commitments this week!  Awanas starts up and I am teaching the Puggles (2 year old class) so that should be fun!  I do well with the 2's.  We all need to go potty a lot, love playdough, and have fits once in a while.  Its a perfect match.

Have a wonderful week!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Frog, homework and a lunchbag for Uncle Biwwie

Ty has decided that he has homework whenever B does. Its pretty cute.  They both sit at the coffee table (Ahem! TOY table) and do their work while I'm fixing supper.  Last night B was supposed to color a brown lunch bag and put three things in it that tells a little something about him for him to share with the class this week.  He is just so creative!  Without hardly a thought he picked up the Mario Bros Wii game cover, a Lego car and Uno, the card game.  He also drew himself playing bball on his bag so he can have that represented.  Such a smarty.

Ty decided he also needed a lunch bag to put some of his favorite toys in.  He colored his too.  I'm pretty sure one of the Wii controllers was added.  When I asked what he was going to do with his, he said he wanted to send it to "Uncle Biwwie."  Uncle Billy is deployed.  Thats Ty's buddy.  He said when Uncle Billy gets back he's going to fight him.  Believe me, that is a high honor in Ty's little world!  He doesn't play fight ya unless he really thinks a lot of ya!

Yeah, that shirt is from J's old stomping grounds in KY.  He was very smiley to see Ty sportin it this morning.

Ty is still dragging poor Frog around with him.  He can go to school without him now, but at home, he needs more time with him since he is losing time at school.  Last night after supper I looked into the family room and found him lying on the couch playing on the iPhone and he has Frog spread out under his head.  Frog is really a frog head attached to a blanket.  And almost everywhere he rests, Ty must have "Fwog sped out."

B has had an awesome week so far in school.  Most of the knucklehead boys he ran with last year are in a different class.  So my little knucklehead is finding some different friends and learning how to behave as a 1st grader should. 

He came home the first day and said, "Mom, we don't play AT ALL in the classroom.  The only time we play is recess!"  Welcome to first grade!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Legofest, a little wrestling and First Grade!

We had a very relaxed weekend.  It rained and was kind of nasty out which kept us indoors, but together, so very fun.  We got a chance to dump out all the Legos (on a blanket this time!) and build some cool vehicles. 

We also got a little wrestling in.  These kids are tough! 

 J took B out Saturday evening for a guys night and Ty and I went to a fish fry at my Moms.  I did get him to taste some yummy fried fish and corn cakes!

We only got in the pool for about an hour on Monday morning before it started raining.  We had fun though.  B really lets me throw him now.  And I pseudo throw Ty.  Got my arm workout in!  The boys were so cold after swimming and showers so I wrapped Ty up like a burrito and put him on my bed while I started clearing out some toys to give to Goodwill.  I must not have forgotten how to swaddle correctly because this is what I came back to about a half hour later.

So precious!  This was before lunch, but since my boys were up before 6am, I let him snooze.  My big guys played at the foot of the bed with some Monster Trucks. 

The clouds finally went away a bit later that afternoon so we took advantage and packed up and went back to my parent's big ole field for another bike lesson sans training wheels.  My big guy jumped on and just took off!  He has finally got it!  Time for a BIG bike now!

We snuck in some last minute back to school shopping too last week.  My boys are NOT shoppers.  I was very grateful they tried on some pants so I could at least see what size we are working with here.

This morning we waved goodbye as B jumped on the bus and headed to First Grade.  He looks so big compared to Kindergarten last year! 

He picked out those shoes all by himself at the Smithfield Outlets on the way back from Charleston.  Go UK!  He is ready and excited to start learning some cool stuff.  He told his new teacher he really liked Math.  He tells me he either wants to be a college science professor or a builder (Lego skills).  He knows a couple boys from basketball camp this summer and a couple girls from last year.  Its going to be a fun year!