Monday, September 2, 2013

Launch Day

We are down to the last day before school starts, people!  I am trying to soak in as much fun as possible with my little almost preschooler and almost 2nd grader.  B will be a senior at his school this year since it only goes through second grade.  Time is just flying by and I want to hit a pause button somewhere!
I know a lot of mamas have a tough time with the infant/baby stage.  They wish for the easier days when the kids are a little more independent and not waking up all night.  I am not that mama.  I loved the baby stage!  And yes, I even loved getting up with them in the middle of the night and snuggling in the rocking chair all alone in the quiet.  If money were no object and this body would cooperate, I'd have another one... or two (sorry J!). 
Maybe its because I'm away from them so much during the day.  Those times at night was just a little more time I got to hang out with them and gaze at their little faces.  I didn't mind one bit.  So this growing up thing is tough for me!  I know I will enjoy watching them become the little men God wants them to be, but its just all going to quickly for this mama! 
But my Mama gave me some great advice a little while ago.  Even if I had one... or two more, the baby stage would eventually have to come to an end.  Somewhere along the line, I need to let go and close that door and enjoy watching my little ones grow up.  So I'm trying my best, with God's help!
We had a ton of fun this weekend in the pool.  One last hurray before pulling the plug and looking forward to colorful Virginia leaves, boots and scarves, Honey Crisp Apples and Pumpkin bread.  I love fall!  Its my favorite!  The changing of the seasons isn't much different than the changing stages of my boys.  I love my pool.  Love my colorful umbrella up on my picnic table.  Love beach towels hanging from my deck posts to dry.  Love goggle marks on B's eyes after wearing them all day.  Love picking veggies out of my garden.


But fall.  Wow!  I love how God shows off His glory in those Virginia trees!  I love fires in the backyard fire pit and roasting marshmallows in the crisp evenings.  Love my little boys in jackets playing football.  Love the rows and rows of mums I see not even peaking out blooms yet at the nurseries.  Love turning on the heat in my car, just on my feet, while still having the window down to feel the breeze.
I can have great memories of summer, all the while enjoying my fall.  The changing of the seasons will happen whether or not I feel I'm ready.  Like the weather, I need to accept this with my boys and thank God for showing His glory and just enjoy the next season.  (even if I have to pray through it to get my heart in order!)  God's glory is in each season.  I just have to choose to see it!

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