Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Its beginning to look a lot like... Ty had my phone

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend filled with sunny days and visits with family.  And lots of food.  Of course, my boys ate none of it.

The day after Thanksgiving it is tradition that we make our first batch of Christmas cookies.  I forgot the ready-made dough and was NOT going back to the grocery store for the 3rd time that week, so we made them from scratch.  Not very hard and they taste so much better!  Maybe next time I'll make the icing too.

Oh my, those little hands!

Nope, that's not bedhead.  His hair just looks like that right now.  We experienced a very rough haircut when I was too tired to drive across town and decided to chance a new place.  Mommy FAIL.  We have to wait for it to grow out.  That's all we can do.  Even hairspray won't lay that thing down.

Ty actually liked doing the cookies a little better than B this year.  J was showing B how to play the football game using the Wii controllers, so I lost him for a an hour or so.  Ty and I had fun though.

The following day we decorated them.  Ty uses entirely too many sprinkles, but I love having the time with the boys.  Yes, Ty has his jacket on.  I asked him twice if we wanted to take it off, but he was busy.

And apparently sometime during the weekend, Ty got a hold of my phone.  I'm so glad "fwog" and his random shedding of socks all over the house was were captured.  But that cute face steals my heart.

I have some good verses on rest in another post coming up!  God showed me some cool stuff this week.  I'm trying to practice claiming his promises even when my emotions don't feel it.  So thankful that God is who He is no matter where I am in my life.

Until then, stay warm!

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