Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend and a Sprinkle

My sister got to come in for the long weekend.  We started it off with some supper at Grandma's with all four cousins on my side. 

I tried to get the kids to do a craft with me, making sidewalk chalk, but as is the norm, it did not turn out well so we went and played in the backyard instead.  I think I need to let go of the organized craft time attempts.  Some moms are crafty and great at giving direction.  I am not.

Memorial Day weekend is also when we put the Estes Family Ring pool up!

No, B, its still not ready.  Mommy has dumped enough chemicals in there to kill a small child.  You must wait 24 hours.  Yes, those are swords on the ground.

Not happy at all about waiting.  And he is still in his PJs at noon on a Saturday.

Ah ha!  Something to make waiting more tolerable!

Ty is sneaky with his water fight attack during lunch.  And those are his PJs too.  At least the bottoms.  Shirts come off very quickly during water fights.

We also threw a Baby Sprinkle for my little sister this weekend while she was visiting.  My Mom can throw an amazing party!  I sure which I had an iota of her entertaining talent!


Then on Memorial Day, Hannah got to come over and we played in the pool.  It was colder than I thought it would be!  The kids had a blast.  We had to get out when B started shivering and his lips turned blue.  We decided he doesn't have enough body fat to keep him warm.  Someone give that child some whole milk!

Ty was torn.  He wanted to get in the pool, but he was a little nervous about it.  So he played swords with the skimmer for a while before I coaxed him into the pool. 

He was NOT happy about this turn of events.  He fussed a while, but ended up having a good time.  Especially after Daddy got in.

Hannah styling with her Mom's shades.

A couple of cute little boys in their towels.

And the funny faces, of course!  Note the lack of teeth on B.  He seems to be losing them almost daily, two this past weekend!  He now has one less than this picture.  Keep it on the down low (since he reads my blog, little smarty) and just say my wallet is traveling light after this weekend!

The kids zoning out after swimming all morning.

Not too tired for a group wrestle... I mean hug!

And the best part of the day off is time with their Daddy watching America's Got Talent.

Ty also got his big boy bed this weekend.  He has been doing great and looks adorable in it.  He told me, "I big boy, Mommy, no more crate!"  Me, "No baby, the puppy sleeps in the crate, you were in a CRIB!"  

Sure hope he doesn't go around telling people he is finally out of his crate. 

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