Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Can you find the puppy in the clean laundry?

I see you!

Blue thinks if his face is hidden, you can't see him.

Tubby gave us a little scare this past week.  He is getting up there in age.  He's 10 which is 60 in dog years.  I keep asking what he is going to do when he retires, but he just wants to sleep in a big pile of laundry. 

He hurt his neck somehow while playing with Blue, our very lively 7 year old dog.  I was really worried since it did not seem to be getting better.  He didn't want to lift his head or turn it, but he was still eating and drinking, so I was trying not to worry too much.

I try to tell myself that I will be ok when his time comes.  He was my very first "baby."  We got him 3 months after we were married and he has been with us through a lot.  J and I agreed we would allow him to pass in dignity and without a lot of pain when the time came.  No chemo treatments or crazy surgeries for this dog, if it came to that.  Just lots of love... and steak.

I started thinking about these puppies and how they have been around since we started trying to have the boys.  Tubby snuggled up with me in the bed and licked my arm until there was hardly any hair left during some rather dark times in my life.  They have always been really gentle with the boys and the boys love on them.  They have endured sword fights, they have been dressed up as ninjas, they have been accidentally hit with nunchucks, they have patiently put up with us teaching little ones the correct way to "pat pat" them. 

Blue makes us laugh often when running into glass doors and looking at everything in the room all at once, and sniffing at bugs until they go straight up his nose.  Blue is very protective of the kids.  I have seen this seemingly not-so-with-it dog stand his ground in a doorway and not let a visiting friend of J's into the family room with us because J wasn't home yet.  And I have seen him get very upset when some older kids were wrestling around with B in the living room.  We are blessed to have such great babies and fur-babies.

B and Tubby

B and the pups.

Blue in trouble.  That was a stuffed animal.

B and Tubby... do you have a question?

B feeding Blue from the highchair.

The Twizzler incident.  Not cool, Tubs.

Ty and Blue.

Ty with Blue looking left out.  He just got fussed at for snuffling the new baby.

Even at bath time, Blue is keeping watch.

Ty and Tubby napping.

Well thank goodness Tubby is going to be ok this time around.  No tumors or fractures.  Just needs some rest and baby aspirin (Thanks AMK!) and lots of snuggles in the clean laundry.

Love my Tubbers and my Boo Boo Butta-finga!

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