Friday, February 7, 2014

Would You Rather

Last Saturday I had a great opportunity to spend some one on one time with my serious, stat lov'in, mop head, B.  The sun was out, it was above freezing (a rare day indeed, this winter!) and we had been planning a visit to our little town's library.  I asked B if he wanted to walk into town instead of drive and he was game.
We took his backpack and a bag of chips since he is a growing boy who played hard in a basketball game that morning.  My B is one of the smallest on his team this year, but as his coach says, he is "the biggest guy on defense."  Yeah, that's right!  He is also super fast, knows the rules of the game and can dribble past almost anyone.  He's got a lot of his Daddy in him, as he coaches from the floor.  Ha!  I'm positive he could be an excellent coach, or a sports announcer, with his good looks, fun personality and love of knowledge of sports.  Get ready, ESPN!
Go, number 5!

What a great way to spend time with my oldest son!  No pressure to talk, since we were hoofing it and just enjoying God's sunshine.  I'm beginning to learn that these no-pressure times, with not a lot going on, are the best times to talk with B.  The car ride after school just breeds a lot of "fines" and "nuth'ins."  We did play a game called "Would You Rather" all the way into town and back.  Its a game where you ask the other person to decide between two things.  Would you rather be rich and famous and die early, or broke and happy and live a long time?  Not all our questions were so morbid.  Its a fun way to get to know your kid, though.  He doesn't mind Mama's twenty questions when its a game.  I learned that B would rather be out of shape and really smart than physically fit and not very intelligent.  I learned he would rather be rich and famous and have a short life, because he's already asked Jesus into his heart and knows he will go to heaven. 
My B never stops surprising me.  Not with his young wisdom and definitely not with his choices in books.  We came home with three football stat books, of course, but also a Spanish/English dictionary that he was very excited over.  This book is huge and he is carrying it to school and back to read during free time.  He says he wants to learn Spanish.  Such a neat kid.
The statue outside the library.  He started the town paper.  I can't remember his name, but I'm sure B does.
After we got our books, we stopped over at the local grocery store and got two of the old-fashioned glass bottle Sprites for the walk home, my treat.
Such a fun afternoon.

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