Tuesday, February 11, 2014

An Epic Battle

Last night the big boys went to basketball practice and Ty and I stayed home.  It was a tough day.  Ty informed me when he walked in from school that he got in trouble three times for not listening.  I told him that I got hollered at work a bunch of times.  I looked forward to hanging out with my little guy, who still thought his mama was pretty awesome.  We had some supper, took a quick bath, put some comfy PJs on and then prepared for battle.
Our opponent?  The evil bad guys made of pillows on my bed.  The weapon of choice?  Why swords, of course!  We had an epic battle - good guys versus bad guys.  Good guys won because we are amazing sword fighters. 
After bringing down the evil-doers, we piled them up high and jumped on them.  We threw Blue onto the pile too, he loves it.  Tubby just growls and gets under the bed.  Party Pooper. 
Since both of us had some attitudes to work through from the school and work day, sword fighting pillow monsters in our PJs was a perfect after dinner activity.  We got a lot of frustration out and then watched Sophia (since the bigger guys were not around to make fun of us for watching a "girls" show) on my bed with some post-teeth-brushing popcorn before bed.  Hey, sometimes you gotta live a little.
We read two books that Ty picked out by himself, Donald and the Magic Stick (almost an every night choice at the moment), and Planes (not Disney, but actually a board book that he stops to count every single thing on every page). 
We said prayers, sang a song of his choice (Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, yes, in February), had 3 or 4 "one last kisses" and "one last hugs" and was down for the night.  Not a bad end to a rather rough day.  I love 4 years old.

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