Thursday, November 21, 2013

God Story - If Have the Will, He Has the Way #YesIDo

I am a giver by nature.  Not patting myself on the back at all, I just know I get so much joy from finding the perfect thing for a specific person and giving that gift to them.  Much more so than getting something myself.  One of the hardest things about taking a pay cut and being on a budget is having less funds to do my giving.  I have felt like I have to hang up my “giver” hat until we have more funds.  But that didn’t really feel right.  So I have been praying a little about that and deciding that I would just continue to give in the means God has provided for now.  That may just mean a pot of chili when God pricks my heart to do so.  Or just the right word of encouragement at the right time.  But this week?  This week God is providing abundantly for this willing heart.  I just get so tickled that I have to share.  If anyone can gain some encouragement from these stories, I’m so thankful for it.  If anyone feels I’m boasting, well, that’s not my problem to fix.  J
(Bless your little heart!)

I receive emails daily advertising small business owners goods for sale and this morning one item really stood out to me.  It was a shirt for little girls with the William Shakespeare quote:
“Though she be but little, she is fierce.” 
Immediately my friend, Tara came to mind.  Tara was pregnant with twins and on bed rest the entire month of October.  The twins were not due until the end of December.  Due to complications, Tara lost her little boy November 9th at 32 weeks and delivered her little girl at 2 lbs 14 ozs.  Little Afton is strong and fighting, but she is little.  She absolutely HAD to have this quote on something!  So I emailed the owner of the shop, not really knowing how I would pay for this gift, but asked her just the same if she could put the quote on a preemie onesie for me for Afton.  I shared my friend's circumstances.  And you know what God did?  He prompted this shop owner to reply within minutes and tell me she will find a onesie to put it on and send it AT NO CHARGE!  She said she would love to be able to give back after being so blessed. 

Praise the Lord!  Sometimes God chooses to use a willing heart and provide the means for the blessing!  I can still figure out how to give even without a lot of disposable income.  He is just something else.  

And in case you are looking for an empowering gift for a little girl this Christmas, the shop info is as follows.  I absolutely have to put in a plug for them since they provided so willingly.

The Talking Shirt

And God will generously provide all you need.  Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.  2 Cor 9:8
Linking up with Proverbs31 blog hop today. 
(Cause it just so happens the topic fits!  Thanks again, God!)
P31 OBS Blog Hop


  1. Paige what a heart you have. Thanks for sharing. Debbie W. (OBS Facebook Group Leader/Blog Hop Team)

  2. Thank you for sharing and the link. God is amazing
