Monday, August 27, 2012

Rainy Saturday and date night!

We had a very unexpected gift from God on Saturday.  A rainy Saturday.  I mean a total washout.  The kind where you put on PJ pants and soft comfy socks and don't even think about going anywhere.  And since the kids and I had cleaned the house on Thursday night, I had little to do for housework. 

J and I decided to get out the camping gear and set it up in the living room.  The tent looks a lot bigger in our living room than when the four of us try to sleep in it!

We had a really fun time.  B showed us the music videos he created on his Leapster during our Charleston road trip.  Very Beastie Boys.  That kid is something else.  The family members who liked the tent the best was our dogs!  The snuggled in there and Blue was snoring in less than 15 minutes. 

I didn't take a ton of pictures since I was busy playing.  We had a picnic lunch in the tent too.  Fun rainy day stuff.  J said he wasn't asleep, but after Ty went down for a nap, J was lying very still with his eyes shut in the tent for about an hour or so. 

I got some homemade pb bites made as well as my first attempt at making my own laundry detergent.  Really hoping this works out since it only cost about $20 to make and is supposed to last over 6 months.  We shall see.  It was kind of a mess and I will be taking it out on the porch the next time.  I'm positive Blue ate some of it.  But at least he smelled nice!

Saturday night J and I had a little date night.  He signed us up for a painting class without me saying a thing, and got us a sitter and did all the ground work.  All I had to do was say yes!  We had a really good time.

He looks so cute in his apron.  My man is secure about his manhood!

The only negative about the weekend was getting hit in the eye with a Nunchuck.  Not fun.  Triggered a migraine that I'm still fighting this lovely Monday morning.

But those boys are so much fun. 

Only one more week before school starts! 


  1. Great blog! Glad you were able to have a fun, relaxing Saturday. Congrats on making your own laundry detergent, made mine for the first time last week too! We'll have to compare notes on, save, save! ~ Rachel

  2. Thanks, Rachel! I got my recipe from Lisa Seward which she got from a blog. She can get you the link if you need it. And yes thats right, save save save!
