Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Charleston and Ninja Ken

I'm so excited that my new little nephew, Joshua Michael Ellis was born on Wednesday, August 15th!  My sister is an amazing woman and went home with her perfect little boy 26 hours after giving birth!

B and I snuck down on Thursday to hang out for the weekend and help out/hold Joshua. 

I also grabbed my beautiful niece, Hannah and took she and B on a few adventures while I was down there.  Thanks, Dad for chaperoning!  I just love Charleston. 

And Italian Ice sold by street vendors at Battery Park when its 95 degrees.

The kids had blue raspberry.

B and Hannah have a few issues when trying to play together.  Both want control.  One likes Hero Factory and the other Barbie.  One is 100 mph constantly and the other is a little too sarcastic for his age. 

We had to find a common ground one afternoon so B brought me Ken and we made him a Ninja out of a trash bag, some masking tape and scissors.  Who's craft-challenged???  Go Ken, Hiyaaa!

I took the two older kids to the park on Saturday.  The park also had a sprinkler park, but we didn't bring swimsuits so we walked on by and played on the playground instead. 

It was HOT.  Like Charleston-in-the-summer hot.  After swinging and sliding for a while in that heat, the sprinkler park was looking really good.  The kids asked again, and since they had been so nice, and Hannah had an undershirt on, I folded. 

The kids chased each other and played nonstop for an hour in those sprinklers!  So much fun!

That also happened to be the afternoon they played the best together.  My answer to grouchy children who don't take naps is to get outside and run 'em!

Well, back to work this week.  I had so much fun with my little impromptu trip with B all by ourselves before school starts again.  I don't get a lot of one-on-one with him, so it was a really good time.

And I just love Charleston.  Have I mentioned that?

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