Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hugs and Hollers

I was reading a blog yesterday and it was talking about falling into the "check-list trap."  I have so many things I must get done on a daily basis that when I sit down after supper, bath, laundry, dishes... I think back and ask, did I even really spend time with my family tonight?

At work my day is all about lists to check off so I can feel I have accomplished something that day.  But should that carry over to my home life?  Did I even connect with my kids today? 

I think back over my last couple of nights (since thats all I have during the workweek) with my kids.  I do remember getting frustrated that I had to tell my 6 year old to get dressed and brush his teeth 14 times before I saw any movement.  I did get irritated that my 3 year old "forgot" we just read a book so he cried when it was time to go to sleep.  I do remember trying to figure a way to make the dryer timer buzzer sound like the coffee maker so I can be excited when the cycle is finished instead of wanting to beat it with the dustbuster.

But did I ever at any point share anything remotely spiritual with my kids this week?  Have I pointed them to Jesus at all?  If he is such a big part of my life and is really working on my heart and growing me to be like him, why am I not sharing this with my kids?  Do I assume they will "get it" at church in Sunday School?  Or maybe the responsibility should lie with Vacation Bible School?  But thats only once a year!

"So that you, your children and their children after them may fear the Lord your God as long as your live by keeping all his decrees and commands that I give you...Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.  These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.  Impress them on your children.  Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."  Deuteronomy 6

Lord, help me to find ways to incorporate your word into our daily lives!  Help me to tell B that he reminds me so much of Moses.  Such a reluctant leader.  Help me to read that to him and show him where and why and what you did with that man from humble beginnings who changed the course of history.  Help me to show Ty why you need to listen to God and/or your parents the first time, with Jonah being swallowed up by the whale.  Lord, help me to teach these children your ways when we sit at home, walk along the road, when we lie down at night and when we get up in the morning.

As my good friend Miss Kathy says, little boys can only remember one command at a time.  If that is true, let it be to Love God and love others. 

No one gets to heaven by putting their shoes in the basket by the side door, or getting into bed by 8pm (although that sounds heavenly to me some nights!).  I don't even think anyone got closer to Jesus by getting all the laundry folded or (gasp!) making sure there are no dishes left in the sink.

Sometimes its necessary to pull out the mean voice and holler when obedience is not forthcoming.  I know my heavenly Father does it, so its good enough for me and my kids.  But help me to remember that for every holler, there needs to be 3 times as many hugs.  Because thats also how my heavenly Father does it, so its important for me and my boys.

I did get to come home after running this morning to my boys waiting on the couch for me.  Normally they aren't allowed to come down on school days until they are dressed and ready to go.  But it was such an uplifting picture for me to start the day. 

My little squishy Ty with his army of froggies.  And my helpful, serious B, who brought Ty downstairs with him and got them started on a TV show they agreed on.  Peaceful.  Loving brothers this morning.

I went over and hugged both my guys. 

Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.  Lamentations 3:22-23

I'm so thankful that we get to start over every single morning.  We don't have to continually live in defeat.  We aren't made for that.  We get to take what God chooses to show us and we get to do something with it in our lives.  That, people, is praise worthy in my book! 

For more conviction, see:

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