We had a great opportunity to go to the beach this year (thanks, Mom and Dad!) with family. It was so much fun to hang out with my sister and her growing brood, as well as my Mom and Dad. Its been a tough summer for them. With my grandparents requiring more and more assistance, my grandmother moving to a rehab center after breaking her hip, and a health scare with my Dad, we really needed to just get away for a bit and spend some fun time together.

The cousins definitely had their ups and downs getting along.
Most of our nice relaxing walks on the beach turned into a race. But the weather was beautiful and the water was amazing.
My niece Hannah is such a loving and friendly little girl. She is going to do great things for Jesus, I just know it. She can talk to anyone and make a best friend in ten minutes. She is such a good big sister and helper for her mama. When Joshua was grouchy and wouldn't go to anyone, he would go to Hannah.
But overall, I'm so glad they got to spend some time together. We piled the three older kids in one bedroom. Hannah and Ty had a blast jumping on beds, playing Wii, and really had fun playing in the water together when they were fully clothed, at night, and we told them not to get in too far. Much more fun than having bathing suits on during the DAY.
B learned how to boogie board this year and he tore it up!
Why yes, those are Nun chucks. Doesn't everyone walk on the beach with weapons?
All my guys.
Both boys loved the water this year. They really had fun playing in the waves. It was great to see my Dad and Mom relax and enjoy themselves. They needed the break. Tough few months for them.
I mean, T-R-O-U-B-L-E!
My niece Hannah is such a loving and friendly little girl. She is going to do great things for Jesus, I just know it. She can talk to anyone and make a best friend in ten minutes. She is such a good big sister and helper for her mama. When Joshua was grouchy and wouldn't go to anyone, he would go to Hannah.
Battling the waves. On one day, the ocean was pretty rough and the kids stayed out. My Dad and I went in and rode a ton of waves. We got rolled, knocked around and swallowed some water. It was just like when I was a kid. We had a BLAST!
Granddaddy and Joshua.
This little guy is awesome. He finally warmed up to Uncle Justin's beard and loved playing with the big kids. He looks so much like his Daddy.
And my cute prego sister. Due in October with another handsome little man! She is such a good mama!
Ty's birthday was the Monday we were at the beach. I think he really believed we went to the beach FOR his birthday. We had a little party before we left, but everyone MUST have cake on their birthday!
Emerald Isle is my favorite beach by far. Its very family oriented and quiet, but still has Go-Carts (which we did twice!) and stores. Next time we will find the hidden seafood restaurants that I know must be around there somewhere. The best part about the house was the covered deck. I sat out there in the heat of the afternoon and listened to the ocean, and read my book and felt the breeze without getting hot. It was wonderful.
The beach is my peaceful happy place. I don't know if its the sound of the water or just the wide open space. We came home and I felt very rested and recharged. So thankful!
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