It was a normal Saturday for us. We got up slow. TV off at 9am, everyone cleaning the house for an hour or so and then off for a bike ride. Sometimes we go to a park to play (Ty's bait to come with us) and sometimes we just enjoy our little town with its beautiful Victorian homes and constant train sightings.
We had some lunch, Ty took his nap, J went to cut grass, and then it happened. B challenged yours truly to a game of kickball. Heck yea! On to Grandma's huge field we went!
That's my Grandmother and Granddad's cute house in the field. They are my Mama's Backyardigans.
With Granddaddy refereeing for a bit, Ty and I vs. J and B. Oh, its ON! My little punks didn't believe Mama could kick! We lost Ty well into the 5th inning. He found a stick and started to threatened B when he tried to tag him out. There was some sword fighting near the end of the game.
After Grandma called us in for supper, we were tied. I think. I lost count but B promises he counted correctly. Hmmm. I'll have to take his word for it.
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