Thursday, September 5, 2013

Lowering my net

Alright, Lord.  We are back here again.  I am prying my right fist open with my left hand.  I am letting go of my rules, my research, my restrictions, my "couldn't possiblies."  I am using the knowledge you have provided and the conviction you helped me find while rummaging through all of my books trying to find something totally different from what I actually found.  I adore your whispers to my heart.  But I must say, the blinking neon sign sure doesn't leave room for me to argue my way out of this. 
Where has my focus been?  How many books on this topic do I own rather than books on how to develop my relationship with you?  How much time have I devoted to finding a "cure" for my issue?  A way to extract this thorn I've been limping around with for so long?  And how much progress have I actually made on my own terms?  Lord, forgive me for not seeking you first!  But we have been here before, haven't we?
In February I quit a very well paying job that provided much of our disposable income and took a position that did not need a college degree.  Didn't need all the experience I had in corporate America.  God impressed on my heart to circle the wagons and refocus on my family and home.  Did I still need to work to help provide for my family?  You betcha.  But chasing after my own selfish ambitions was not something he wanted for me.  He showed me very clearly as my health declined, my sanity flew the coop and my family suffered. 
The World yelled out, "This makes no sense!  How can you be what your family needs by cutting your income in half?  You are making a huge mistake!  You went to college for nothing!  Your parents worked 4 jobs and paid for your degree and you are throwing it all away!"
Simon answered, "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything.  But, because you say so, I will let down the nets." 
When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break.  So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them.
So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.  Luke 5:5-7 & 11
What would have happened if Peter had not chosen to obey?  What if he had listened to what the World said made sense?  That they couldn't possibly catch any fish, after they had worked all night and not caught any.  These were seasoned fishermen, they knew how to do their job well.
But instead, Peter chose to obey.  Not because it made sense.  He obeyed just because Jesus said so.  And he went on to become the Rock of the new church.  How amazing!
I lowered my net in February and we have been so blessed because of it! 
So here we are again.  You are asking me to again, lower my net.  To give up the way I have been trying to solve an issue and to trust you've got it.  To truly seek you first.  To work on really getting to know you, my heavenly Father, my Blessed Redeemer, my Lord forever.  To let go of my control and to refocus my energy and my passion to learning more about YOU.
Here goes everything...
But seek first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.  Matthew 6:33


  1. I pray that He blesses your obedience with abundance and grace! It is such a gift that He gives us in our testimony---how we can look back and see God's character, provision, faithfulness, etc. in the past and know that He's the same God still today!

  2. Hello Paige, that's so fantastic that you were able to recognize God asking you to change jobs and followed through on it despite it not making sense in worldly terms. Praying God will bless you for lowering your net yet again with this new challenge he's laid before you.
    Katrina Wylie (FB small group leader)

  3. Amazing story of courage and faith! As we rely more on him...we see him more.

  4. I admire you lowering your nets - changing jobs, trusting He would provide. Awesome testimony! Stephanie Solberg OBS FB group leader

  5. Paige,
    This is a great testimony of courage and doing what doesn't seem logical when you hear God speak to you. Whatever the new issue is that you are wrestling with, I know you will listen for His voice and be grateful, in the end, for being obedient.
