We had a very Ninja Halloween! After some initial hesitation, Ty put on the entire costume except the mask and we went to our church Fall Festival. The kids always love the Fair-type games and the bouncy houses. I would have never let B go in the huge blow up obstacle course when he was 3. But before I could turn around Ty was in and running. I couldn't see him but I could hear him cackling the whole way through. Some teenagers were in there near the end of the night and I was concerned. The I saw one of them throw Ty up and over the wall with Ty giggling and cackling the whole way. Insane. That child will give me every gray hair coming to me, let me tell you.
After B put his costume on, and while Ty was swinging his sword and practicing his moves, B goes right back to his business. Even Halloween can't stop a quick Lego session.
We were at my Moms last night for dinner and B was listing all of his talents that he believes God have him. They included, loving us, building Legos, running, singing, and dancing. Then Ty said,
"You know what my talent is?"
Grandma, "I think its smiling."
Ty, "Nope, kiss'in (Muwa)!"
I wonder what people think when they pull up next to me in a parking space at the grocery store.
I often have swords, daggers, running shoes, dry cereal in a ziplock and the occasional mark of puppy slobber on the window.
I heard some giggling when I got out of the shower a couple of mornings ago. So I went into B's room and flicked on the lights and found this.
Busted in the best way.
Maybe this is confirmation for the idea we have been batting around about getting the boys to bunk together for a while and use Ty's room as a playroom. Hmmm, we shall see.
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