What a wonderful couple of days for B as Big Brother. Last night we had finished supper and the boys wanted a bag of those chocolate graham bunnies from Target. They got to the cabinet and pulled out the box and only one bag was left. I asked Ty if he wanted fruit snacks instead, since B had asked about the bunnies first and I was trying to be "fair Mommy" for a moment. Then I heard, from the family room where I sat, my oldest tell my youngest, "you can have them."
I felt so uplifted and encouraged! We have this Family Rules canvas front and center in our family room.
I refer to it often when there are battles going on. One of the rules is "Think of others before yourself." He nailed it! I went in and told him how happy that made me and he may even have gotten some M&Ms out of Mom's stash in the upper cabinet. I told him that decision he made would make me happy all night. He just smiled that adorable toothless grin of his that melts my heart.

This morning J left early to play some bball before work so it was just me and the boys in the house. After I finished my shower, I normally go through and turn on the boy's lights and starting getting them up. It was still early so I went on back in my room to get dressed. It was like deer in headlights! My oldest and my youngest were on my bed and B was helping Ty get dressed! It was the cutest thing ever. I didn't interfere at all. I went about my business and watched them. It was just such an awesome display of big brotherness, protectiveness and one of those rare times where Ty was listening to every instruction from B and following them gladly. They were adorable and it just warmed my heart. B finished dressing him, took him in the bathroom and helped him brush his teeth and they went on downstairs together to eat some cereal and watch Ninjagos. What a great start to my day. More moments to treasure up and ponder in my heart. Luke 2:19
I can get a glimpse of how delighted God must be when we love one another and live in harmony and help each other as commanded!
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35
At one point in my life, I really struggled with not having a little girl. I wondered what it would be like and allowed my heart to dwell on the "have not" and become troubled. The thought is nice, to have a girl to grow up and be friends with when she is an adult. Just like me and my mom.
But God gives me these moments as I watch my boys and see a bond that could never happen between a brother and a sister. Sure, they could still be friends and the older brother could still be a protector. But there is just something about two brothers. A connection that lasts even through knock down drag out fights. There is something about being able to shove each other during a disagreement, to adamantly shout about who's Leapster one is playing with, but then coming right back together to fight a common enemy, or anyone that threatens one of them. Or the vacuum when J chases them with it.
"O Lord, I rejoice in your strength. How great is my joy in the victories you give to me! You have granted me the desire of my heart." Psalm 21
Its amazing to me how many times I think I know what I want. Then I pray to God to show me what His plan looks like and its way better than what I could have planned. I love how he changes my heart to want what he wants. That right there is my proof his spirit lives in me.
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
We have to be careful what we allow ourselves to dwell on in our hearts.
"As he thinks in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23:7
God's plan is ultimately better than anything we could imagine ourselves and if we stay in his will, we won't have to settle for better in our lives. We will have BEST.
Like two little boys who bring me more joy than I could have ever imagined in my life.
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