When Braden went to Kindergarten, I worried as to whether or not he was ready. This morning as my Tyler got on the bus, I wondered if Kindergarten was ready for HIM!
Both boys started a new school this year. Braden as a third grader. Tyler will start Kindergarten at Braden's previous school.
Its amazing how God works. When B was getting ready to go into Kindergarten, I was a wreck. I was allowing guilt and feelings of being judged by others to make me crazy worried about his schooling. Believing that there was only one "right" way to raise and educate my children as a Christian mom, I mourned because I was not financially able to put him in Christian private school, or homeschool him. The next best thing, or so I thought, was to choose the elementary school out of our district, that was closer to church so hopefully he would be in class with other children from his Sunday school class. I wrote a letter, badgered the principal ,and made my own plans without consulting God.
But God loves me too much to allow me everything I think I want. Oh, how he has worked on my heart! And how he has taught me to shrug off judgment and guilt! To see that HIS way is the best way. That he no more wants me to homeschool than to send my kids to public school. There is no one way to raise and educate my children. As a believer and follower of Jesus, I am to do everything I do to the glory of the one who made me.
At the last moment, he told me to bloom where he planted us. He put us in THIS house. In THIS neighborhood. In THIS school district. I had a good plan. But he knew the BEST plan.
Update? Most of the kids from our church who went to that other school have been pulled out and put in private schools. The kids in B's Sunday school class all go to other schools. After listening to God and putting the boys in a neighborhood preschool and summer program this last year, they met a ton of kids who ARE in their classes this year. Tyler is even sitting by a classmate from his preschool in Kindergarten today. God knew that would make today so much easier for him.
Braden's teacher for third grade taught school with his grandma, my mama, for years. She is an excellent teacher, both fun and strict. He is going to have a great year. God knew.
I am such a different person than I was four years ago when Braden started school (Hallelujah!). Trusting Jesus changed me. All the challenges over the last four years have taught me that I am not in control. And I am so glad. There is such freedom and joy in handing over the reigns to Jesus. He cares about all the little things and all the big things in my life. I'm so thankful to follow him on the path he made just for me.
"The Lord watches over all who love him." Psalm 145:20
Thank you Father, for putting my family together on purpose. I know you love my boys even more than me. I release them into your hands, O Lord. Help them become the warriors you want them to be. Help them be a light today for you. Give them a thirst for truth. A desire for you. I pray I will not take their successes or failures personally, but help them see that they are part of life. A grade is just a letter. May my boys try their best and be kind to others. Make them defenders of the weak. I pray they will get caught when they mess up. Give them wisdom to stop and think before they act. Above all, Father, help them never to forget that they were created by you to honor you. Amen.
"They tell of the power of your awesome works." Psalm 145:6