I have an autoimmune disease.
I don’t like saying it or talking much about it because for me, a seemingly strong woman who stays in control, this feels like an excuse of some sort. But whether or not I want to talk about it, my condition is still truth.
Only recently have I been able to accept it and look into healthy ways to help manage it through lifestyle changes. This is all part of my journey to better health. I didn’t think God cared about something that seems so trivial, like carrying extra weight, when the world has so many problems. But the Made To Crave Bible Study goes deeper than just carrying extra weight. The extra weight is only a consequence of me filling my body with something other than HIM to ease an immediate “want to.”
So today I am EMPOWERED. I am empowered to accept my limitations. I am empowered to accept that I cannot eat what everyone else around me eats if I want to feel my best and give my body what it needs to manage my symptoms. I am empowered to make good, healthy choices for me, to pray and ask God what those choices need to be, and to listen to my body to help determine when a choice is not the best thing for me. Its not about “allowed” vs “not allowed” like a lot of trendy diets. Its about what’s best for me. What’s beneficial for this body that God gifted to me. How can I be as healthy as I can be so I can do all the things God wants for me? Enjoying life is not a selfish request. Not when the JOY of the LORD is my STRENGTH!
Lord, I reach out to touch the hem of your robe and BELIEVE I can be healed.