The holidays are pretty different now that my whole side of the family doesn't get together at the same time. I definitely missed my sister Thanksgiving and Christmas. We did get to see my brother's family for Christmas and had a fun time. We didn't try to slam as many events or "traditions" into the season like we normally do. December went by so quickly, I let a lot of things go so we would have more time at home with my four just playing and spending time together.
The boys are at such a great age. I'm pretty much past mourning the baby stage and am starting to see a lot of positives in the current stage where Ty is becoming more independent and B is maturing enough to play with his little brother without expecting him to be 8. We actually have some down time. This year of simplifying was both challenging and a blessing. Although we aren't going and doing as much, that also means more time at home. Inviting friends over to play and hang out. Getting to know our kids better. Enjoying them.
On that note, here are some things I definitely do not want to forget about Christmas time this year:
- Ty singing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer as loud as he can while sitting on the toilet, every time
- How much both boys enjoyed driving around looking at lights this year with paper bag popcorn
- Our first time at Kabutos with the boys - B loved it and tried all the food, even shrimp! Ty, not so much
- Both boys performing in the church Christmas program, learning and reciting John 3:16 and singing/signing it in front of the church
- Ty pulling out his "tucked in" shirt right after the song was over at the church program
- Ty being terrified of Santa "coming up stairs"
- Hiking through Grandmas woods and J and I liking the slingshots better than the boys
- The boys coming to my work and having lunch with me the day after Christmas
- B's obsession with football
- Praying on our bed before running downstairs to open presents
- Jesus' birthday cake for breakfast
- B reading out of Luke Christmas morning
It was a good Christmas, and we are blessed. God has shifted my focus a bit and its not about "what ministry does he want me in?" but more "how can I be a blessing to others?" Its going to be a fun year if we can stay present in the moment and keep our family focused on Jesus. I've learned that sometimes God puts opportunities in front of you so He can clearly say NO and you can gain confidence that you are where He wants you in this season.
I've also learned that sometimes God allows friends to grow apart so you can learn to depend on Him.
It is true that if we "remain in Him, He will remain in us." And he has led us very closely this year. I am thankful.
So as the year comes to a close, and my boys are preparing a stuffed animal ambush for when Daddy steps into the kitchen, I can breathe deep, knowing God has given me the power to stop and be sure I'm enjoying my kids today. Even if its a pouty, whiney day. I can give grace to others for their mistakes because I have been given His Grace even though I don't deserve it and mess up daily. And I can love exactly where I am, without looking around at what could have, would have been, with confidence I am where He wants me today.
Merry Christmas and good bye 2013!